What Entralink can offer
Entralink provides a seamless integration into swedish society.
Job offers
Explore and apply for jobs that match your skills and experience. We provide tools and guidance for working in Sweden
Events and discounts
Participate in various events and meetups to network, meet new people, and build your social network. Discover cultural events, language cafés, and job fairs
Information and Articles
Access guides and articles on housing, education, healthcare, and legal rights. We provide the information you need to navigate the Swedish system.
Our vision
We created entralink to address the challenges often faced by newcomers in Sweden. Our vision is an inclusive society where everyone has the opportunity to contribute and grow.
Our mission is to offer a comprehensive platform that supports your integration on all fronts – from the job market and social networks to practical information and cultural connection.
We have gathered most of the necessary resources in one place. By making this information easily accessible, we hope to facilitate your journey and provide you with the best conditions for success in Sweden.